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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Grilled Tilapia with Peanut Sauce

I went to the grocery store earlier today and there were very cheap proteins in the frozen meat section. I bought 1 pound of tilapia filet for 4 dollars and it was worth it. This recipe will take an hour of your day and you will have a delicious dinner before starting your homework. You may already have the spices in your pantry. If not, purchase them now and make great meals all the time. This is one recipe that will become a routine after your first attempt. Just try it.


Tilapia filet (frozen will work)
Basil (dry or fresh)
Ginger roots (or powder)
Salt and black pepper
1 onion
Smooth peanut cream
1 tomato
1/4 cup of vegetable oil

How to …

1. In a blender, mix grossly cut onions (1/4), ginger root, garlic, and basil (if using fresh herbs). Blend with some vegetable oil. Add some salt and pepper to the mixture (if you like hot dishes, add some pepper flakes to your convenience). Marinate the fillet in the sauce for 5 minutes.

2. Spray a hot pan with some cooking spray and place your filet on the skillet. Turn the temperature down to allow the inside to cook as well and allow the filet to brown then turn to other side.

3. For the sauce, saute slices of remaining onion (3/4) with salt and black pepper in hot vegetable oil. Add tomatoes cubes and garlic to the browning onions and cook for 10 min.

4. Add 2 cups of water to the tomatoes and let it come to a boil. Add 3 spoonful of peanut butter and cook for 30 min (watch water level for the thickness of the sauce).

5. Dress the fish with the peanut sauce and voila.

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